Showing all 4 books
The present collection contains papers of the first national workshop organised by the All India Progressive Forum (AIPF) on '21st Century Socialism' in Hyderabad. Socialism is a controversial issue, rendered more controversial by the great collapse of the Soviet Union and the East European socialist regimes. The collapse has reignited the controversies on the nature, path and viability of socialism in its many interpretations.
In the meantime the scientific and ...
The present work is the next in the series on impact of STR (scientific and technological revolution) on society. The book argues that the constituent elements of the industrial order of things are dissolving under the diluting power of the electronics, in particular, the software.
With the ongoing dissolution of the machine and the tool, new questions are being posed about the nature of social development. The largest scales of capitalist means of production, ...
The recent ecological disasters the worldover confirm the apprehensions, forecast and conclusions of this book. The big ecological migrations of people, ‘world war-style’ from US east coast, submergence of new Orleans, empty concrete jungles of Houstan, ‘Katrina’ and ‘Rita’ becoming wild warn us of tomorrow, in the face of nature’s ‘man-made’ fury. Melting glaciers, disappearing north and south poles, rising sealevels, drowning nations, angry ...