Showing all 3 books
Some time ago, a sudden rumour spread across our region that unless three children were sacrificed, the railway bridge over Roopnarayan just could not be constructed. Two small boys had already been buried alive under one of the pillions, and only one more needed to be caught…’
This book is a collection of twelve widely acclaimed short stories of Saratchandra Chattopadhyay, one of the doyens of Bengali literature. Divided into two sections, the first ...
In Sesher Kobita, Rabindranath Tagore knocks away social and familial props just to set a young man and a woman talking to one another. Tagore maps the emotional evolution through a series of scintillating conversations between the two protagonists – Amit Rai and Labanyalata. Sesher Kobita has many layers: it is an unusual love story on the surface, but the deeper one moves into the story, one realizes that Tagore is subtly slipping in other elements as well. ...