Aniruddha Ray

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This book is a collection of 28 articles from eminent scholars spread in various parts of the world who have done some serious work on the history of the Deccan during the medieval and modern periods. Professor A.R. Kulkarni to whom this work is dedicated as a felicitation volume has done commendable service to the world of scholars interested in the study of medieval and modern Deccan. Various aspects of the history of the Deccan such as society, polity, ...
This brief survey of the activities of the French East Indian Company in India, based principally on the unpublished factory records of the French archives, deals with their problems, their linkages with the Mercantile groups and their relation with the local rulers. Starting with their arrival at Surat in 1666, this study closes with the occupation of Delhi by Nadir Shah in 1739, which marks the changes of the attitude of the European powers including the French ...
This monograph traces the courses of three revolts in Bengal between AD 1575 to 1715 and attempts to analyse the changing perceptions of these revolts in the nineteenth century discourses. The study looks at the emergence of the urban centres on the Bhagirathi river after the fall of Gaur in late sixteenth century. It show the transformation in Bengal during the sixteenth century with the rise of Arakan and the increasing Portuguese piracy in both the eastern and ...
This monograph deals with the activities and attitude of the Marathas towards their sway over Cambay region in Gujarat from AD 1725 to 1825. The narrative of the evolution of the Maratha policy at Cambay has been established here on the basis of contemporary published and unpublished correspondences of the English East Indian Company officials at Cambay, Surat and Bombay. In doing so, it deals with certain issues namely, the Maratha plunder in Gujarat and the ...