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In an attempt to offer a historical understanding of the audio-visual media in India, the book presents an analytical study of the portrayal of concepts and themes involving the nation, secularism, communalism, minorities, caste, gender, war and patriotism by Indian cinema and television. Arguing that these notions are central to Indian identities, it narrates the history of Indian cinema. It explores the relationship between fact and fiction, history and ...
Since the beginning of the twentieth century, cinema has influenced social consciousness in India. Like printing and photography, which had exerted a formative influence on power, information and knowledge before it, cinema has influenced millions of people in a myriad ways.It is a well known fact that cinema, and its cousin television, comprise a media which is central to the self-perception of contemporary Indians. Indeed, it would not be wrong to say that the ...
This book deals with the history of the colonial military apparatus as it evolved from the years of the 1857 revolt to the outbreak of the Second World War. Focusing on the crucial elements of the British military system in India, their governing ideologies and organizational setup, the essays address some of the major issues connected with the Indian Army and cover three broad themes—questions of identity, the constitution of a corporate body responsible for ...
The decline of British imperialism had far reaching colonial and post-colonial consequences. British policy and Indian history, for obvious reasons, unfolded in the foreground of this decline from 1900 onwards. This volume contextualizes crucial aspects of modern India’s military past. It contends that British imperialism, like all empires, declined due to its inherent contradictions. Managing the military affairs of the British Raj comprised a crucial element ...