Anirudh Prasad

Showing all 8 books
The book is full of brain storming positive and constructive ideas for all social reformers who try for social equality, harmony and brotherhood; for government policy makers, who intend to give meaning to the constitutional commitments with a view to serve the nation; for victims of the graded Indian society to take lessonful inspiration from the struggle, achievement and unparallelled contribution in the nation building and establishment of socioeconomic ...
The framers of the Indian constitution were conscious of the prevailing miserable and appalling living condition of the scheduled castes and the scheduled tribes, who have remained far behind and segregated from national and social life and have continued to be socially oppressed and economically exploited for centuries due to various types of disabilities. The framers of the Indian constitution took care to safeguard the interests of the scheduled castes and the ...
The book relates to the present scenario of the components part of the administration of justice the advocates and the judges. The concern and apprehension about the impartiality Independence and social relevance of administration of justice is becoming more and more compelling. The judicial efforts to keep secrecy and public interest in transparency the urge for quick justice and lawyers hurdles put by way of strike misconduct on part of advocates and charge of ...
The book under caption "Reservational Justice to Other Backward Classes (OBCs)" presents an indepth study of central issues emerging out of reservational justice in general and in post Mandal case judgement in relation to reservational justice to other backward classes in particular. The problem of reservational justice is sui-generis in hierarchical caste ridden Indian society in view of majority of its population falling victim of discriminatory ...
Colon Classification (CC) is a system of library classification developed by Dr. S.R. Ranganathan. It was the first ever faceted (or analytico-synthetic) classification. In an analytico synthetic) classification. In an analytico synthetic classification, subjects are divided into facets aspects) and class numbers are synthesized from the classifications. It name “Colon Classification†comes from the use of colons to separate facets in class numbers. It ...