Showing all 2 books
In this book (Part-I and II) sixty eight underutilized fruit crops have been included viz., aonla, avocado, babaco, bael, barbados cherry, Indian barberry, ber, bilimbi, black mulberry, blackberry, bread fruit, burans, burmese grape, cactus pear, cattley guava, chestnut, chironji, cranberry, durian, fig, hazelnut, horse chestnut, Indian almond, Indian persimmon, jamun, kaiphal, kair, karonda, khejri, khirni, kiwifruit, kokum, loganberry, longan, loquat, mahua, ...
Progress in the fruit crop breeding has gained fast momentum in last few decades through integrated approaches using conventional and modern breeding tools. Efforts have been made to provide the maximum information about the varieties developed and their salient characteristics. Breeding methods also been elaborated in the self explanatory manner.
In this book 22 temperate fruit crops viz., apple, pear, peach, plum, apricot, strawberry, cherry, almond, kiwi, ...