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Of the 586 families of Mollusca currently described worldwide, 279 are represented in the Indian region, including 3628 species, of which 2300 are marine, 1129 terrestrial, and 199 freshwater species.
As there has so far been no proper estimation of the number of Indian species, the author initiated the assessment of molluscan diversity in India, and published a checklist of land molluscs, a handbook on freshwater molluscs and a catalogue of marine molluscs part ...
This books is the first comprehensive account of wetland faunal resources of West Bengal primarily meant for inventory of wetland faunal elements occurring in freshwater, brackishwater and costal ecosystems of the State. This document analyses species. In addition and species rivhness along with indicating endemic and threatened species. In additio, the present treatise has highlighted the threats to habitats and biodiversity and also included conservation and ...
Mangrove is a common term applied to a community of tress or shrubs which grow in the sea. It may be any one individual species which constitutes that association. Mangrove ecosystem is a very specialized environment occurring in between land and sea in the tropical and subtropical regions. Mangrove plants are specially adapted to thrive the various salinity, recurrent tidal inundation and periodic desiccation. This ecosystem besides protecting the coastal line, ...
The present book begins with the systematic survey of freshwater mollusks of India, including their ecology, distribution, the systematic survey of freshwater mollusks of India, including their ecology, distribution, values (food) and role in human welfare such as trematode infection in domestic cattle and man. The present form of this book includes a detailed account of the freshwater mollusks with key to the family, genera, and species besides geographical ...
Sundarbans the well developed group of islands formed from sediments washed down from Himalayas, starting from the mouth of river Highly on west to the river Meghna in the east, covering the four districts namely North and South 24-Paragonas (Hughly to Raimangal districts) of India and Khulna and Barishal districts of Bangladesh. The Bay of Bengal is the southern limits towards north the boundary can not be demarcated at any definite land mark. The ...