Ginger, valued as a spice since antiquity has been used through ages in almost all systems of medicine against many a maladies. It is now accepted as a drug of choice for nausea and vomiting even in severe pregnancy related morning sickness. A natural pain reliever and an anti-inflammatory agent, ginger has been clinically established as a drug for rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. It is also useful in curing ulcer and preventing heart attack and stroke. A ...
Turmeric belongs to the elite group of spices of Indian origin. Its proven efficacy as a digestive aid, against gastric and peptic ulcers, inflammation, rheumatold-and osteo-and arthritis attracted special attention of the western world in recent years. Clinical trials also corroborated the anti-atherosclerotic, anti-carcinogenic (specially related to colon and prosrate) and anti-mutagenic effect of its active constituent, curcumin. The book fulfills a timely ...