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Johnson wrote a considerable body of verse, from the beginning of his career to the end. Nearly all the attention, however, has been focused on a few major (and often-anthologized) poems: London (1738) and The Vanity of Human Wishes (1749) above all. Some of the others that receive at least some attention include his early Latin translation of Pope's Messiah, Gnothi Seauton (Greek for "know Thyself"), "The Drury Lane Prologue" " A ...
In the year 1850, In Memoriam was published and it is regarded as one of the most influential poems. In Memoriam features 133 poetic fragments having varied tone, theme and presentations. This book drove him to instant fame and was appointed as the British Poet Laureate, successor to William Wordsworth. This poem was favorite of the royal couple, Queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert. It was often quoted in the sermons of church during the last half of the ...