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This compendium of twelve papers attempts to examine which social forces are instrumental in the articulation of regional identity and what role these forces play in the politics of regionalism in North-East India. Analyzing the role of middle class in the politics of regionalism, it discusses at length the regional politics, ethnicity and youth activism.
Analyzing the impact of Autonomous District Councils on governance, the contributors also deal with the ...
In the sixties of the twentieth century student movements generated great interest in some western countries. Two decades later, students seemed to have taken over the political space, in India’s northeast. Thought student organizations have become major political players in some states of northeast India making or marring fortunes of Governments yet there has hardly been any attempt at studying these organizations and movements from a social science ...
Electoral Politics has become a major field of study in contemporary social sciences. Though India’s north eastern states have been keenly observed by journalists, scholars and policy makers because the politics of these states seem to challenge some of the major theories of Indian democratic politics yet serious efforts at electoral analysis of the region have rather been limited. Electoral politics of contemporary north east have been ...