Archna Chaturvedi

33 books
Buddhist religion is known as a rebel child of Hindu religion. Buddhism today is religion in my country of the world. A huge member of global population follows Buddhism. Hence Buddhism flourishes along with other religions of the world for the great ideals of its religious thought.
This book provides to our readers different aspects of the religion of Buddhism, its practices and teachings in different countries. It also provides a comparative study with other ...
The life of the Buddha is more than an account of one man’s quest for realization of truth. It is also about the people who encountered the Buddha during his forty-five years career. It is the story of how their encounter transformed the disciples and influenced the world around them.
If the Buddha’s quest and his disciples is set against the background of the world in which these events were aclid out, a world with its unique customs, its politics ...
Environmental problems and terrorism are major threat to the world peace and harmony. Mental and spiritual pollution appears to be at the root of these problems. It has been proved beyond doubt that Buddhism can provide the solution to a myriad of social ills and lead the way to changing sufferings into happiness. It can lay the foundation for a peaceful prosperous world order. Buddhism means keeping away from all evil deeds, cultivation of lie by doing good ...
Buddhism enjoys fourth largest position in the world. Its rapid expansion testifies, beauties and goodness of its history and civilization.
Attempt in this book has been made to collect for our readers the best and most important aspects of the history and civilization of Buddhism. Essays from competent authorities on the subject have been included.
Art is the manifestation of the joy of the infinite through the finite soul. Some writers equate it to intuition. The contribution of Buddhism to art is two fold, national and universal. What has been a disjointed art tradition in a particular country becomes unified into national art under the impetus of Buddhism.
It has been argued that if a sense of continuity is the keynote of Buddhist art the continuity of Buddhism as a living religion is through its ...
Inculcation of social values is the greatest requirement in our present age of road rage and violence. Buddhism rediscovers the law of social good or compassion, and deepens and expands the feelings of love and goodness.
Aim, of this book therefore is to provide material from the teachings and personality of Buddhism the best thought on Buddha is to enable our readers to live a peaceful, happy and healthy life.
In terms of number of adherents, Buddhism is world’s fourth largest religion. While estimates vary between 200-500 million adherents, the generally agreed number of Buddhists is estimated at around 350 millions. It comes to 6% of the world’s population.
What is the timeless truth of the Buddha? Its great rulers and its spread in various countries? How its pragmatic philosophy has influenced worldview? Precious material to answer these and similar ...
Today as never before the world needs to imbibe Buddhist culture to save it from the clash of civilizations. Buddhism inculcates into man a harmonious, peace loving moral, unreffled contented, discipline and cultural sophistication.
This book aims at providing to our readers selected writings by highly qualified and most competent authorities on the subject. These thoughts will bring about peace and harmony in our terror sticken world.
This introductory book on Buddhism provides to our readers life, history, logic, mind, nature, empiricism, rationalism of this new wisdom, which has survived and evolved through the ages. In addition it contains some profoundly useful appendix on Buddha and his Dhamma, an exhaustive glossary and the word of the Buddha.
The position of women has been a subject of considerable interest in recent decades in all societies. In the West there has been a rethinking of the position of women in all spheres of activity. This has resulted in a change in the role played by women in different walks of life. This reappraisal has also touched on the question of the position of women in the main religious traditions of the world. It is therefore opportune to consider the place accorded to ...
H.G. Wells put it in his outline of history that Buddhism is beyond all disputes the achievement of one of the most penetrating intelligences the world has ever known. Buddhist philosophy has no doubt universal appeal on the world thought process.
This volume details the various ways in which Buddhist thought has influenced even the thought process of peace and human rights of United Nations Organisations.
For a majority of Buddhists going on a pilgrimage to the sacred places mentioned by the Buddha, is a once a lifetime undertaking. A pilgrim should understand what a pilgrimage is all about, especially the mental aspect. A pilgrimage is a journey to a sacred place as an act of devotion and faith. And faith is the professing of confidence in the sense of assurance based on understanding that one places on the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha. Its chief characteristic is ...
Aim of this book is to high light the Buddhist Way of Life. Effort is to see, how far and in what ways they can help to overcome our modern day problems. Happy events such as birth and marriage, and sad occasions like sickness and death in person’s existence very often necessitate the observance of certain rites, which have been performed in ever society from time immemorial. Such rites, which originated even long before the various major world religions ...
Never before the study and understanding o Buddhism for the state and society was as important as it is to our modern times. If both governments and societies all over the world take proper care of the teachings and practices of Buddhism than perhaps a global peace and harmony can be achieve and so called clash of civilization be asserted.
Aim of this book is to select for our readers essays on different aspects of state and society. How Buddhism provides clues ...
Buddhism is a religion to about 300 million people around the world. It has its origins about 2500 years ago when Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha, was himself enlightened at the age of 35. The major branches of Buddhism are broadly recognised: Theravada, which has a widespread following in Southeast Asia, and Mahayana, which is found throughout East Asia and includes the traditions of Pure Land, Zen, Nichiren Buddhism, Shingon, Tibetan Buddhism and ...