Arif Ali Khan

Showing all 20 books
Islam is a perfect code of conduct and ideal way of life. It has its own philosophy and ideology. Its manual consists of do’s and don’ts pertaining to the related items with a brief intro. And a careful study undoubtedly, increases the chances of prolonged life, optimal profit and least loss. Just like any machine, human body, too, is a machine whose manual is the Holy Qur’an. A marvel per se, it contains clear and tacit instructions, embellished with moral ...
The fundamental principles and ideology of the religious philosophy of Islam are embedded in the ethos and dictums of Holy Quran and the faith in the noble commandments of the Almighty, Allah. After Holy Quran comes the Hadith, or the tradition of the Holy Prophet. The guiding principles of Islamic religious doctrines and faith argue about the oneness of God, prophethood, concept of heaven and hell, importance of prayers and fasting, creation of this mundane ...
Social philosophy of Islam reflects Islamic thought and the Islamic vision and perception of life, customs, tradition, social values, various ceremonies, social etiquettes, institutional norms, cultural characteristics and structural and overall functional arrangement of society. This book reveals the variegated aspects of the social living of the Muslims.
The Philosophy of education in Islam, manifests in the Islamic perceptions of knowledge, wits, vision and academic and literary traditions, method of transformation of knowledge and the educational system as a whole. The ethos, nature and concept of Islamic education have properly been dealt in Holy Quran. The traditional theories of education and the method of teaching have perfectly been followed in Islam. The philosophical concept of learning exclusively deals ...
In Islamic law, all concepts and perceptions are quiet clear, because the concept, and various features and laws are strongly rooted in the origin of the Quran.
This book covers all legal dimensions, Quranic ethos, lessons, basic principal, various facets of law, and guidelines for rulers, status of believers, criminal laws and the judicial system under Islam. It must be equally useful and indispensable for lawyers and scholars.
This book present a well articulated and codified description of the above mentioned core areas of the Islamic laws in practice. It should prove to be useful for the entire academic community, including lawyers, professionals and the students alike.
This book is compulsive, informative and compact and the authors have left no stone unturned in making a rational and logical interpretation of the Islamic civil laws and social institutions. It must be equally useful to the adherents of Islam, hose non-Muslims, who have interest in Islamic law, lawyers, students of sociology and humanities and many more.
This book covers all the aspects and dimensions of Islamic laws, concerning family affairs. The readers should get a very sound perception of the institution of family under Islam and it must be equally useful for the scholars of humanities, academicians, professionals, especially lawyers and others.
This book is very diverse and tells the story of a scientific approach on various subjects. It also covers the life and background of different Islamic Philosophers.