Arthur Avalon

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The Kularnava is perhaps the foremost Tantra of the Kaula School and is constantly cited as an authority in Tantric literature. It is worthy of close study by those who would understand the tenets and practice of the tradition of which it is a Sastra. The Introduction by Arthur Avalon gives a concise outline of the work. Sri M.P. Pandit who is a keen student of the Tantras and Vedas has rendered the work in English in eleven chapters. The readings are free ...
The Kularnava Tantra is held in high esteem by Kaula Tantriks. The phrase Kularnava means ocean of Kula. It focuses on the Urdvhamnaya, or Upper Tradition, the four others belonging to the four other faces of Shiva and representing the five elements of the tradition.
Sharadatilaka is the essence of the Tantras, the first cause for the attainment of Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha (religious merit, wealth, desire, and liberation). In 25 chapters the celebrated author – Lakshmana Deshikendra – deals with the theory and practice of Tantrik worship. It is said that Lakshmana was compassion for men who wanted to know about all the different forms of worship, but could not do so by reason of the voluminousness of the different ...
The Kulachudamani-tantra or "crest-jewel" of the Kulachara division of Tantrika Sadhakas is included in the list of revealed works, which according to the Vamakeshvara Tantra, are considered to be the chief amongst those which deal with the worship of Shakti. It is accordingly found frequently referred to as an authority in many compilations though the Kulachudamani itself (II, 8) refers us, for all technical terms, to the Bhairavi Tantra, which is, ...
This work formed volume two of the famous Tantrik Texts series edited and published by Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe). The volume comprises of the sixth chapter of Purnananda Svami’s Shritattvachintamani, a voluminous Tantrik treatise which is now lost. The work contains a description of the six centers, the Muladhara, Svadishthana, Manipura, anahata, Vishuddha, and Ajna Chakras or Lotuses (padma) a knowledge which is essential for the understanding of the ...
This work formed the first volume of the famous Tantrik Texts series edited and published by Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe). The work belongs to the Dictionary Class. The Matrikanighantu and Vijanighantu or Mantra-Kosha by Bhairava Rishi are dictionaries of the single vowels and consonants of the Sanskrit language. Both, published from ancient and rare (in some cases extinct) manuscripts for the first time comprise the main body of this book. They give the ...
The celebrated Kaula Stotra "Lord of Hymns", which is now translated from the Sanskrit for the first time, is attributed to Mahakala himself. One of the chief features of the stotra is that it gives the mantroddhara of the Shri Shri Dakshina kalika. It not only gives the Dhyana, Yantra, Sadhana and Svarupa -Varnana of the Mahadevi, but it also contains the chief Mantras of Dakshina -Kalika. In order that the Hymn may be understood in its various aspects ...
Mahanirvana Tantra seems to play an important role during this age, its place in the framework of Kali Yuga is presented by Lord Shiva himself thus: "For the benefit of men of the Kali Yuga, men bereft of energy and dependent for existence on the food they eat, the Kaula (i.e. Tantra) doctrine, O Auspicious One! is given" (Avalon). Furthermore, Lord Shiva proclaims that "In this age the Mantras of the Tantras are efficacious, yield immediate fruit, ...
This book contains the Tantratattva of Shriyukta Shiva Chandra Vidyarnava Bhattacharyya Mahodaya. The work here translated is that on an Indian mind unaffected by western thought. Apart from its intrinsic merits, it has such value as being the record of the views of an English educated Hindu, who finds in the conclusions of recent western science a corroboration of his ancient eastern beliefs. Its author modestly says: "I have attempted to give the reader ...
According to the Mahasiddhasara Tantra the Mahanirvana belongs to the Rathakranta which according to the Shaktimangala Tantra is the country north of the Vindhya Hills up to and including China. The Indian Tantras constitute the scripture of the Kali age. The intricacies and difficulties of the subject-matter require a knowledgeable commentary for the initiate for a clear understanding. Mahanirvana Tantra, belonging to the Kaula school, is a compendium on ...
Sarada Tilaka of Laksmana Desikendra is one of the important texts on Tantric subjects. It is divided into 25 Chapters. Significantly the number 25 refers to the 25 tattvas of the Sankhya system. Chapter 1 is Prakrti and deals with the origin of creation; the 23 chapers which follow demonstrate Prakrti-Vikrti; the last Chapter, which is devoted to yoga, represents Purusa which is beyond Prakrti and Vikrti. Sarada-Tilaka is a Tantric treatise which deals primarily ...