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The book is the outcome of an intensive research undertaken in three village of Bhojpur Block of Sub Division Modi Nagar of District Ghaziabad in Western Uttar Pradesh under the 'Research Award Scheme' of University Grants Commission to understand the complex and inextricably woven interactions and inter-linkages between the essential proxies or elements of women empowerment and the prevailing formal and informal social and cultural institutions. This ...
Madhya Pradesh is a region brimming with diversity, visibly prominent in its culture and customs. Home to people from different communities, religions and tribes, Madhya Pradesh is blessed with a unique cultural and religious identity--the heart of incredible India can be described as a cauldron of Fairs and festivals. The Fairs, festivals and celebrations in the state act as the common thread binding the various local communities. The geographical diversity of ...
History of Mathura (c200 B.C.-A.D. 300): Primarily a numismatic study aimed to project the history of Mathura, it nevertheless integrates the resource bank provided by the resource bank provided by literary, archaeological and epigraphic pursuits of the period. The book fills up the gap in the existing knowledge of ancient India with authentic evidence. An effort is made throughout to keep the reader abreast of recent discoveries and to share with him/her the ...
India, with its phenomenally long historical traditions has presented several contrasting images of women, praised as a goddess, extolled as the mother of humanity and skyrocketed as the real creator of mankind. In actual practice, however, women are stigmatized as the weaker sex meant to bear all kinds of human oppression and male atrocities. In the post-independent India, especially since 1980s, the empowerment of women has been recognized as a central issue in ...