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Women’s studies is a vast discipline and thousands of books are in stacks. Still, the vital subject requires a brief but comprehensive volume, equally beneficial to scholars, students and the general readers. This study fills this vacuum. As an authentic and exhaustive scholarly effort, this research based work enriches the reader a lot and creates a new awareness, regarding all issues, problems and prospects, concerning the weaker section of our society, which ...
Child abuse is not merely a social evil. It is infact, a curse on any nation or society. The children in any country reflect its health and depict its future. They are infact, a force, a strength in reserve and a treasure in themselves. It is commonly acknowledged that child servitude is a harsh reality, a blot on any civilised society. But nobody seems to be concerned about the elimination of the causes and roots of the problem and its possible redress. ...
The advent of computer networking as an accepted part of the library and information infrastructure has had a very significant impact on the way in which library and information systems are perceived and increasingly on the roles and work patterns of those who work in them and those who use them. It is now quite feasible to conceive of the library as a distributed network of information sources rather than as a centralized repository of recorded knowledge. This ...
The communication network is expanding continuously. Despite the considerable implications that most of the wide, metropolitan, and local area networks are ineffective and frequently fail, database management receives too little attention. The only way to change this situation is to critical success factors of database management, which include network management functions, instruments, and human resources. For successful database management, related data should ...
There has been a growing trend of violence against women, more so with hunger and greed for material things. Progressive changes in personal life style, living standards, varied growth, caused by urbanization and changes in social ethos contribute to violent attitudes and tendencies towards women, which has resulted in an increase in crimes against women. We find that from the very beginning of the world history, women have been at the receiving end, cutting ...
This work, a comprehensive and exhaustive volume, emerges as a strong voice against various forms of child abuse and declares a crusade to defeat all abuses. It deals with the problems in a broader perspective and seeks a solution, in order to eliminate the menace is divided into six sections viz. The perspective; Child Labour; Child Sexual Abuse, Child Battering; Child Rights and the Law and finally, the Conclusion. This work is essentially useful for scholars, ...
In India "Library and Information Science" is relatively a new discipline and people in this country are yet to evaluate it properly. The Library movement in India has come of age now, but the appreciation of the nature and amount of work involved in organizing a library for the service of society, is not much. In fact, we as a nation and as a society are far from being part of the library culture, which is very much in vogue in the West. The author has ...