Arup Mitra

Showing all 10 books
India has posted a high growth rate since liberalisation in the 1990s. But, what does this number called growth rate mean?
Has there been uniform growth in all sectors
Has there been overall growth across all regions of the country?
Have all social groups of people (such as the socio-economically backward, the elderly) been benefitted by this growth?
Why is poverty still present to such a huge extent in India?
To answer these questions and to discuss the ...
In 1870, the spiritual leader of the Nagai Japat, makes a momentous prediction: the Uttara Yogi would settle down in South India. His arrival would presage the liberation of the country from foreign rule and put an end to the era of falsehood. The long vigil for the Uttara Yogi begins.Having completed his internship for the ICS in England, young Aurobindo Ghose returns to India and joins the service of the Maharaja of Baroda. Soon, he chalks out his programme for ...
It is a story written in the form of a letter from a son to his mother. It unravels the sufferings of the mother that the son recounts at a special moment of his life. Through a particular case the narration sings the melody of several unsung words of misery of countless Indian women, who have either passed away or still continue to dwell in misfortune. Even in the midst of affluence they stand as the most helpless lot. The story unfolds some of the basic causes ...
This volume analyses occupation, earning, and standard of living of the low income households from slum clusters in Delhi, and lays emphasis on strategies and efforts initiated by the slum dwellers to cope with uncertainities they face.
This volume presents selected papers on macroeconomics and welfare, presented at the 40th annual conference of the Indian Econometric Society in 2004. Collectively they cover a wide range of issues related to economic reform, growth and equity. In particular, the book contains studies on exchange rate, interest rate, money demand and supply and monetary and fiscal policies, inflation and its relationship with growth at aggregate and sectoral levels, growth and ...
This volume contains a set of papers on Indian industrialization in the context of market-enhancing and trade-liberalising reforms that have been taking place. It begins with tracing shifts in Indian industrial policy since independence. The papers, presented in five sections, throw light on the various facets of the remarkable transformation of the Indian economy with reference to industrialization, an area of major interest to Professor K.L. Krishan, to whom ...
What thoughts cannot conceive, what words cannot express or what feelings cannot describe, revolves around the spirit of the poesy. The inner urge waits for that moment when the entire existence blooms like a lotus with the first ray of light. Super consciousness has been personified as the mystic "you" and its inter-play with the self is realised at the realms of beauty that nature unfolds every moment. It is a collection of poems, mostly dealing with ...