Showing all 5 books
The present book Population and Reproductive Health : Perspectives and Issues is a compilation of some selected papers presented at the XXXI Annual Conference of the Indian Association for the Study of Population (IASP) organized at Sri Venkateswara University (SVU), Tirupati during Nov. 3-5, 2009. There are 27 articles included in the book covering wide areas of Population and Reproductive Health. The papers are arranged in 4 sections, namely, population ...
This book entitled Population and Development in Uttar Prdesh is an outcome of the National Seminar on the above theme organized jointly b y the International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, the State Institute of Health and Family Welfare, Lucknow and the Population Council, India in Lucknow during 4-6 December 1994 to discuss the problems in the state in the context of development. ...
The present volume is the compendium of research papers deliberated in a three-day conference during the silver jubilee celebration of the Institute for research in Medical Statistics and the XX Annual Conference of the Indian Society for Medical Statistics in December 2002. It contains 40 articles illustrating wide spectrum of Biostatistical research. Most of the articles cover methodological issues pertaining to health and population and are arranged under 4 ...
The current emphasis on studying intermediate variables in the process of child bearing has led researchers to devise methods of ascertaining them either directly from the surveys or indirectly from related observable facts. In consequence, the study of birth interval dynamics has gained wide interest particularly because of its potential use in assessing the effect of socio-economic factor on fertility. A project entitled “Birth Interval Dynamics in the Study ...
The present book "Population, Poverty and Health: Analytical Approaches" is a compilation of some selected papers presented in the XXIX Annual Conference of the Indian Association for the Study of Population (IASP) and National Seminar on Recent Statistical Technique for Data Analysis, organized at the Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi during 26-28 October 2007. There are 29 articles included in the book covering wide areas of population, poverty and ...