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Developed country experts on international affairs and the global economy have consistently underestimated the speed with which China’s economy and power would rise relative to Germany, Japan and the USA. They are now similarly underestimating the speed at which India’s economy will close the economic size and power gaps. This book shows, why and how a tri-polar global power structure will emerge from the current confused system variously described as ...
This book is based on policy papers written during the nineties at the Ministry of Finance. The fundamental objective of economic policy is to generate equitable economic growth and thus bring about the increased well being of all citizens. The goal of these policy papers was to remove policy distortions that were hindering growth and productivity and to introduce economic and institutional reforms that would accelerate growth. The policy recommendations were ...
Together, the two volumes review the economic history of India from Independence to the current period and then go an to make forecasts about the future of the Indian economy and its role in the World. The objective is not criticism for the sake of it. Throughout the focus is on policy and institutional reforms to solve identified policy mistakes and problems. Volume 1 (the present volume) shows that there have been two phases in India’s economic history. The ...
Together, the two volumes review the economic history of India from Independence to the current period and then go an to make forecasts about the future of the Indian economy and its role in the World. The objective is not criticism for the sake of it. Throughout the focus is on policy and institutional reforms to solve identified policy mistakes and problems. Volume 1 (the present volume) shows that there have been two phases in India’s economic history. The ...