Asha Gupta

Showing all 14 books
The book covers variety of topics viz., Water pollution : sources effects and control; Adverse performance of hydropower projects due to chemical nature of water; Ecological stress on the diversity of aquatic flora and fauna; Toxicity of ammonium per chlorate waste water fish Tilapia massambica; Toxicity of chlorinated pesticides on vital organs of fish Puntius tiato; Impact of heavy metal contamination of industrial waste water on cultivated vegetables; ...
The Book 'Advancing Frontiers of Ecological Researches in India' is a compilation of excellent reviews/research papers contributed by the most eminent ecologists of our country. Understanding of the basic principles of ecology and their application in our day-to-day life is called eco-planning and has resulted in the ecodevelopment of the society. Almost all the important aspects of ecology have been dealt with, i.e. Forest Ecology, Grassland Ecology, Cropland ...
Biodiversity is an irreplaceable resource therefore its extinction is always for ever. This is the reason, patenting of biodiversity of any region is being permitted nowadays under Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) to curb the genetic piracy as biodiversity originates at the molecular is the first level of biodiversity. It is the index of variety of nature and comprises every form of life, form the tiniest microbes to the mightiest beasts and gigantic trees. It ...
Whereas the impact of globalization on politics, economy, society and culture are well-studied and well-researched, it is difficult to visualize and conceptualize the changes occurring at the powerknowledge realm. The book is an attempt to look beyond the traditional concept of a university to be able to grasp not only the drastic changes taking place at higher education systems worldwide but it also traces the causes and consequences of the same. Earlier the ...
Whereas the impact of globalization on politics, economy, society and culture are well-studied and well-researched, it is difficult to visualize and conceptualize the changes occurring at the power knowledge realm. The book is an attempt to look beyond the traditional concept of a university to be able to grasp not only the drastic changes taking place at higher education systems worldwide but it also traces the causes and consequences of the same. Earlier the ...
The book explores emerging trends in private higher education at the international level in general and India in particular. Today with the emergence of knowledge-based and technology-driven economies, we find a sudden surge in the demand for highly skilled workforce. At the same time higher education is no longer seen as solely a state-funded socio-political priority but as a service that has attracted private initiative. The key questions are: Is private higher ...