Showing all 4 books
"The dominant development model, primarily conceived as aWest-centric enterprise to modernize the post-colonial societies,did not realize the promised utopia of improved quality of life forall. Instead, increased poverty, economic and gender inequalitiesand degradation of environment have emerged as the accompanyingfallouts of development policies and practices during the past halfcentury.
With this as a backdrop, the book relooks at development,particularly ...
Globalization is with us. In the new millennium, the global impact of globalization, both in theory and practice, is clearly visible in its overbearing omnipresence, overshadowing all other aspects of socio-cultural, politico-economic life. Yet the positivistic claims that it is inevitable and irreversible and that ‘there is no alternative to it’ (TINA) are contestable and non-acceptable. The present work contends that guided by the politico-economic ...
The present work enquires into a largely unexplored area in social sciences, namely, the interaction of politics, symbols and culture, in both theoretical and applied perspectives. Making subtle analytical distinctions between the ‘symbolist’ and the ‘symbolic’ and between ‘symbols in politics’ and ‘political symbols’ the study reinterprets Gandhian philosophy and praxis in terms of ‘political symbolism’. The study ably brings out how the ...