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This book presents an extensive research of psychological characteristics of Harijan and non-Harijan teachers working in primary/elementary schools. An effort has been made to study some of the characteristics of Harijan and non-Harijan school teachers in Bundelkhand region of Madhya Pradesh. These include their sex, self-concept, job satisfaction and personality characteristics. It is an accepted fact that such characteristics make significant contribution to ...
Protest has always been a predominant theme of all black writings specially the novel. During the depression era social protest had become t he focus of literary imagination of Afro-American novelist. Like other black writers of post war period Baldwin tried not only to break free from protest tradition but also to make this antiprotest literature as literature of universal implication. The present volume on Baldwin is a pioneering work that attempts to establish ...
Genetic engineering could be a boon to sustainable farming or an ecological nightmare, a path to human perfection or a march towards eugenic dystopia. Plants may be transformed into miniature factories producing plastics, medicines or perfumes. Animals with human genes may provide hearts and other organs for critically ill people. Scientists have cloned animals and human cloning may not be far behind. For better or for worse, genetic engineering will affect the ...
This book provides an in-depth coverage of the basic principles on immunology. Emphasis is given on the topics of current interests and an attempt has been made to provide ample information on topics like cytokines, interferon, tumour and transplantation immunology. The book will serve as a major reference-cum-textbook to undergraduate and postgraduate students of zoology, biotechnology and microbio0logy,. This way the book is unique work in the subject.