Showing all 6 books
Our happiness, as also our unhappiness, comes from own volition and our own reactions - constantly liking this, disliking that; wanting this, not wanting that - without realizing that our reactions are impermanent, transitory phenomena.
All clouds have silver linings, but what if you discovered that the cloud itself was golden?
If you’ve ever been in the pursuit of happiness, or want to know more about that elusive and mysterious state of being, ...
Memories of Fire is the compelling story of five childhood friends meeting after a gap of fifty-four years. They embark on a journey into the past, laden with nostalgia and humour, and encompassing all the ugly and wonderful things life has to offer.
Inspired by true events and interspersed with the dark contemporary history of India and Pakistan, Ashok Chopra has created remarkably realistic characters who tackle prejudice, prestige, privilege and even prison ...
If you've ever been in the pursuit of happiness, or want to know more about that elusive and mysterious state of being, here's the perfect book. With writing from some of the greatest spiritual thinkers in our country, Golden Cloud Silver Lining is full of wisdom, insight and gentle guidance to those seeking a life of happiness but who simply don't know where to look for it. Stalwarts such as The Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, The Karmapa, The Kenting Tai ...
Arjun Singh, a consummate practitioner of politics and a diehard Congressman, occupied several important political posts during a career spanning almost 50 years. In this riveting account, he throws new light on important developments, which have had a marked impact on the contemporary history of India, and on the prominent personalities who have shaped them.
During his tenure as chief minister of Madhya Pradesh (1980 to 1985), he tackled the long-festering ...
Instead Of Entering Into A Pointless Debate On Whether Or Not God Exists, It Is More Important To Bear In Mind That Belief In The Existence Of God Has Little Bearing On Making A Person A Good Or A Bad Citizen. One Can Be A Saintly Person Without Believing In God And A Detestable Villain Believing In Him. In My Personalized Religion, There Is No God! Khushwant Singh, Over The Decades, Has Built Up A Reputation For Coming Up With Something New And Controversial In ...