Showing all 3 books
This trailblazing book attempts to renovate and redirect archaeology by shifting it from a particularistic to a scientific foundation as an interdisciplinary discipline. Archaeology in the past decade, faces a massive shift in its research objectives, more and more of which can be reached only by building sophisticated systems models and applying quantitative methods in the analysis of artifactual data by statistical methods in studying how culture developed ...
The Study of the structure and Dynamics of the Environmental Changes in Prehistoric India in which living being existed is a recent discipline of extensive research. Even the modern societies function within an environment t to which they have adapted their culture and which they exploit to the limits of their day to day requirements and technological competence. Ecological studies provide evidence on the environmental background to culture which helps in ...
Metallurgy is an interdisciplinary subject consisting of geology, mining physics, chemistry and other applied offshoots of science. Currently its technological advancement is theory based application while contrary to it in ancient times it was empirical one (based on experiments and observations). This empirical based metallurgical advancement of ancient India was in no way inferior to the theory based advancement modern times. The core of this book is to ...