Showing all 2 books
This book Amavata Vijnana or Rheumatology in Ayurveda is a sincere effort in this direction. It has explained in a very simple language the intricacies of Amavata, Sandhivata and Vatarakta. A very good correlation between the pathogenesis both from modern and Ayurvedic point of view is a highlight of this book. It contains excellent photographs that will help the reader to visualize the conditions very easily.
This verse highlights the importance given to Sthaulya or Obesity even in the by gone centuries. An emaciated person was considered a boon rather than an obese person from the point of view of treatment because complications were more common in a Sthaulya rogi. Even in the present era lifestyle related diseases like Hypertension (Raktagata Vata), diabetes (Prameha) Obesity (Sthaulya) etc. are gaining considerable attention. It is an irony that comforts, which a ...