Attar Chand

Showing all 12 books
Guaranteeing safety, protection of health and creation of congenial environment for workers are important considerations of all working people’s health which is undoubtedly an asset of the society. The industrial and environmental disasters that have been witnessed both in the industrially developed and developing countries from Three Mile Island (1979), Bhopal (1984), Chernobyl (1986), to Ermelo Mine, South Africa (1987), Germany (1921), Honkeiko, China ...
All over the world defence forces – the army, the navy and the air force – offer attractive careers to their eligible young men. The pay and perks are reasonable, and the services offer a clean, honourable and adventurous life, as also advancement commensurate with one’s ability and attainments. The defence forces have a glamour that no other service can match. It is also essential for their country’s security that young men of the right calibre should ...
Mankind is waging a struggle for survival. It is precisely in these terms that one shall interpret the extension by the Soviet Union of the unilateral moratorium and the fresh peace initiatives put foreword by the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. The fresh Soviet initiatives concerning the vast Asian Pacific region are an important part of the concept of a comprehensive international security system, which was put forward by the Soviet Union earlier. It is ...
Writing on Rameswai Venkataraman is a matter of pleasure and upliftment. He is a man who has been serving a great cause – the removal of poverty from India. An able parliamentarian, a patient listener and a conversationalist with a sense of humour – and, above all, a great humanist – Venkataraman has all the makings of a man who deserves the highest office the nation can offer for his outstanding contributions to the freedom struggle and post-independence ...
Poverty and underdevelopment is of utmost importance as far the subject is concerned. In the past few years, there have been tremendous discussions on the mass poverty and underdevelopment problems and what should be done about them. Poverty and underdevelopment have most crucial problems, not only for some but for all nations. We in India believe that our poverty, the abysmal poverty of Asia, is a product of the 19th century colonialization. A huge amount of ...
The world order of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964) has always been a subject of considerable scholarly and global interest, and yet these are not too many books where the said subject has been extensively dealt with. Shri Attar Chand’s book is such a one which is based on sufficient study and research and covers all the important phases and facets 0f Nehru, highlighting the period 1920-1988 to present a study of Nehru’s ideas and impact. The essays ...