Avtar Singh Bhasin

Showing all 11 books
Contents: v. 1. Political relations, 1947-1954 -- v. 2. Political relations, 1955-1969 -- v. 3. Political relations, 1970-1974 -- v. 4. Political relations, 1975-1989 -- v. 5. Political relations, 1990-2007; No war declaration -- v. 6. Defence issues; Nuclear; Junagarh; Kashmir -- v. 7. Kutch; Canal/Indus waters; Eastern waters -- v. 8. Trade and commerce;
"The series India's Foreign Relations, showcasing, as the name implies, documents of India's foreign relations is published annually. Since its launch in 2005, volumes for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 have made their appearance. The present is, therefore, the 6 in the series.A look at the contents would show that the debate on India -- US Civil Nuclear Energy Cooperation Agreement dominated the foreign policy discourse during the year. The ...
Through the 1223 documents, put together in this compendium, an effort has been made to let the facts speak for themselves. They represent the hopes and aspirations, successes and failures, expectations and disappointments, contradiction in action and dichotomy in thought of the people called upon by history to swim together but who condemned themselves to a collision course. The documents have been arranged thematically and chronologically in nine sections so ...
Bangladesh attained liberation from Pakistan in 1971 after a violent struggle. Separation of East Bengal from India in 1947 to merge it into Pakistan was the midway point of the historical process set in motion at Lahore in 1940 that culminated in the formation of the new state. The people of East Pakistan did not take long to realise that despite a numerical superiority in a united Pakistan, they were condemned to an acquiescent and subservient role. Jinnah ...
Sri Lanka has been in turmoil ever since her independence. The Tamils, whether of Indian origin or ethnic, had been at the center of this turmoil. While the question of citizenship for the Tamils of Indian origin was resolved after some hiccups, the problem of ethnic Tamils continues to be intractable. Their rich cultural heritage and a long history of independent existence on the same island came in conflict with the Sinhala pride. In this raging conflict India ...
Destinies of no other two countries in the world are so closely intertwined as that of India and Nepal. Geography more than any other factor is the most important determinant in their relations. Lying on the southern slopes of the Himalayan ranges, Nepal cannot escape from being part of the Indian subcontinent. It is no wonder that the leaders of the two countries are never tired of swearing by age-old ties of history, geography, brings into sharp focus a ...
Sri Lanka has been in turmoil for most part of the half century of her existence as an independent nation. Two of her principal communities - the Sinhalese and the Tamils, trace their ancestry to India. The two religions - Hinduism and Buddhism followed by the respective communities have their roots in India. The third element in the melodrama, the Plantation Tamils, with their labour and sweat created the wealth that gave Sri Lanka a very high level of social ...