Ber cultivation has been in vogue in India since Vedic age. It is adapted to the Extreme agro-climatic conditions of the desert environment and is, therefore, a popular fruit crop in the arid and semi-arid regions of India. Internationally, its cultivation is gaining momentum in sub Sahara and sahel regions of Africa. Ber plantations of seedling origin are in existence since ages and the selection of better types were maintained by vegetative propagation, which ...
A vast land resource (39.54 m ha) in the country characterized as arid region is under utilized, having good potential for quality production of several horticultural crops. The horticulture can play vital role in diversification of these untapped natural resources. Despite immense potential, meager efforts have been made for sustainable production of horticultural commodities without any adverse effect on such complex-diverse-risk prone system, though the ...
The pressure of an ever increasing population and periodic famine due to unexpected flood and drought has forced and awakened the horticultural scientist, to evolve new plant types for diversified use. Besides, some limitations in the improvement of fruit crop such as long juvenile phase, high heterozygosity, limited information on inheritance pattern, excessive fruit drop, parthenocary and lesser number of seeds per fruit, hybridization, selection, mutation and ...