This work furnishes the key to the modern Hinduism and contains interesting information regarding gods and goddesses of the Hindu Pantheon. It is said that no mythology in the world has so many points of interest and such intrinsic value as that of the Hindus. But to understand it is, by no means, an easy task. The present work furnishes the key to the modern Hinduism, for, the writer has brought to bear on its preparation his great learning of the Vedas, ...
Not much was known of this invaluable treatise till Dr. Gustav Oppert translated the ancient Sanskrit work in 1882. The translated work commanded so much attention of the scholars from around the world that an introduction to this work had to be made into a separate work for a wider circulation, and which came to be known as "The positive background of Hindu Sociology" and contained a discussion on the date and the locale of the treatise. Dr. Oppert's ...
The Prasna is one of the three classical Atharvan Upanisads. He classical Upanisads are generally counted as ten and sometimes twelve. They are:- Isa or isavasya or Vajasaneya Samhita Upanisad; Kena or Talavakara Upanisad; Katha Upanishad; Prasna Upanishad; Mundaka Upanishad; Manduka Upanishad; Taittiriya Upanishad; Aittareya Upanishad; Chhandogya Upanishad; Brihad Aranyaka or VajasaneyaBrahmana Upanishad; Svetasvatara Upanishad; Kausitaki Upanishad. The ...