Showing all 5 books
The aim of this book is to present the current development in selected areas of bioresources for rural livelihood covering relevant information from the different fields. This volume 1 is meant to be a comprehensive set of reviews of our existing knowledge in bioresources. This volume has been compiled to provide resource material for researchers working in the field of bioprospecting bioresources for rural livelihood.
The book Biodiversity and Environmental Management is a collection of selected research articles presented in an international seminar. Chapter 1-5 describe diversity of entomo-fauna with special reference to lepidoptera, hemiptera and coleopteran from Uttarakhand, J&K and Gujarat. Chapter 6 to 12 are devoted to various aspects of aquatic biodiversity with special reference to plankton, rotifers, shell fishes, freshwater fishes their management and physical ...
Development oriented activities of human beings have highly polluted the earth environment in general. No part of earth remains unspoiled with a variety of polluting and toxic substances. As a result each sphere of our biosphere viz atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere are gradually turning a cesspool of carcinogenic, mutagenic to myriads of other deleterious substances released by man consequent to his care free exploitation of our natural resources. Not only ...