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The sea is not just a huge body of salt water. It is acted upon by various physical and chemical factors. These combines to form a complex web which takes scientists many years to unravel. This book covers a wide range of subjects, from winds, waves, tsunamis, tides, and currents to biological phenomena like biorhythm and bioluminescence to seamanship and maritime lore written in a simple language and easily understood by the layperson who is not conversant with ...
The sea covers about three-quarters of the earth's surface and houses a complex and varied set of creatures, including some as colourful as butterflies and birds. There are many that have quaint, even bizarre, habits. Some fishes, for instance, can literally 'shock' you will a high voltage electric current. Others rob their prey of poison darts and store these in their bodies to use as weapons. Yet others are experts in marksmanship, and can shoot ...
Fishes of India introduces us to the little known world of fishes, both fresh water and marine, found in India. Over 130 varieties are described in detail through numerous line drawings and photographs. A colour section on fishes gives us an unusual insight into their natural habitat. Sections on the uses of fish, a glossary, and a list of the common, scientific, and vernacular names of fishes provide additional information for interested readers. Young readers, ...