Showing all 7 books
Prominent experts on the subject of yoga analyse various yoga concepts as propounded by ancient seers in this volume. Beginning by providing an understanding of the concept of yoga and its meaning, the book examines the method of karma yoga as described in the Bhagavadgita and nada yoga as obtained from the Upanishads. It explains the concept of yama and pranayama. It analyses the concept of dhyana as detailed in the Puranas, as presented by the Jaina tradition ...
There are a number of controversies in accepting Samavaya as a relation. Three different streams of thoughts coming from different schools are prominent. On the one side stands the extreme realist amongst whom the Naiyayika is the chief, who holds clearly an objective view of the relation in general and the relation of Inherence in particular. On the other side we have the idealists, the Buddhists followed by the Vedantins who hold a subjective view of the ...
In Indian Philosophy a system of Philosophy? Do Indian s etc. are concerned about philosophical problems are some of the questions raised by some Philosophers. They branded Indian Philosophy or rather the literature of Indian Philosophy as religious literature based on faith and are dogmatic by nature having little to do with Philosophy as such. Here in the present work an occasion has been created to make available some sample of Indian Philosophical Literature ...
The volume tries to present a comparison and competition of the Indian contribution to the scientific study of language for last 2500 years or more, with the modern learning on the subject. This bringing together of tradition and modernity should enable the traditional learning to present her in modern terms and gain vitality and strength to appear with youthfulness. Further it attempts to highlight the importance of the study of traditional grammar ...