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There has been a tremendous increase in the production of livestock products and this is expected to continue in the coming future. This is especially in developing countries. The greatest increase is in the production of poultry and pigs, as well as eggs and milk. Livestock production can make good use of resources, some of which may otherwise not be used, and contributes high quality protein and important micronutrients to the human diet.
In the post-liberalising environment, the subject of financial management has become far more complex than what it was in the last century. Now-a-days, financial management is one of the most vital and critical areas of business management. The contents of financial management are also changing at a rapid pace and new issues are emerging in it's field which have shifted emphasis from the episodic financing to the functional management.
In the post-liberalisation environment, the subject of working capital management has become far more complex than what it was in the last century. Today, working capital management is one of the most vital and critical areas of financial management. The contents and subject-matter of working capital management is also changing at a rapid pace and new issues are emerging in it's field which have shifted emphasis from the episodic financing to the functional ...
The enunciation of New Economic Policy in 1991 has embarked India on the road of globalisation through deregulation and privatisation. This shifting from command economy to market-oriented economy has created a conducive environment for foreign companies to participate and establish new projects in India. In this environment, social and quantitative aspects of project management require special attention of entrepreneurs, industrialists, management and the ...
In the post-WTO environment, the field of financial management has become far more complex than what it was in the last century. Today, financial management is one of the most vital and critical area of corporate management. The subject-matter of financial management is also changing at a rapid pace and approach to Advanced Financial Management has shifted emphasis from the episodic financing to the managerial functional problems of investment, financing and ...
In the post-liberalisation environment, the subject of budgetary control has become far more complex than what it was in the last century. Now-a-days, budgetary control is one of the most vital and critical areas of business management. The contents of budgetary control are also changing at a rapid pace and quantitative techniques are also incorporated in it's field which have shifted emphasis from the episodic cost control to the total cost control and cost ...
In the present day 'competitive environment' every organisation has to improve its profitability and productivity in comparison to its competitors. The profitability of an organisation in the sort-run as well as in the long-run very much depends on the selection, implementation and control of capital projects undertaken by the organisation. Therefore, capital budgeting decisions are very much related with the success and growth of every organisation specially ...