Showing all 5 books
This book is an invaluable treasure and indispensable to every student of Homoeopath. The student must read this book to learn the fundamental spirit of homoeopathy discovered by our Master Hahnemann. This book of commentary will definitely help the teachers of Homoeopathy for proper guidance of their pupils and lead the students to right directions. In this edition the layout of the book has been completely upgraded. Some typographical errors that had crept-in, ...
We take the opportunity of placing before the Homeopathic profession this little brochure comprising symptomatic pictures of a few recently proved drugs and a group of Nosodes known as 'Bowel Nosodes'. These were originally introduced to medical fraternity by Dr. Edward Bach. Dr. Bach learned from his observation that the same treatment did not always cure the same disease in all patients, as patient reacted differently to the same disease condition. He studied ...
The author's idea is to give a most comprehensive account of some important and commonly used drugs in all aspects of their relations with other remedies along with their modalities, viz., their conditions of aggravation and amelioration. Dr. Sarkar took infinite pains to consult some leading and authoritative Homoeopathic physicians, e.g., Hering, Knerr, Clarke, Boericke, etc. in course of preparation of this book. In second edition, the author has thoroughly ...