B.K. Sinha

Showing all 11 books
Contents: 1. Failure of Post-Taliban Regional Politics. 2. Failure of Reconstruction of Afghanistan. 3. Taliban Insurgency in Afghanistan. 4. Afghanistan: Post-2014 Strategy and Regional Framework. 5. Civil Military Cooperation in Post-Taliban Afghanistan. 6. Reconstruction Challenges. 7. Modern war in Afghanistan Destruction of a State. 8. Post-War Future in Afghanistan.
Modern Warfare is the most dangerous threat faced by modern humanity. It is also one of the key influences that has shaped the politics, economics, and society of modern times. Modern warfare is warfare using the concepts, methods, and military technology. The concepts and methods have assumed more complex forms of the 19th-and early 20th-century antecedents, largely due to the widespread use of highly advanced information technology and combatants must modernize ...
Various evidences can be found for the existence of forms of chemical and biological warfare in ancient and classical periods. Many early accounts portray outbreaks of disease in invading armies or among conquerors as divine intervention. In the world of today there are a number of countries across the world who are vowed to retaliate by developing biological weapons. The biological weapons include any organism such as bacteria, viruses or fungi to toxin found in ...
The present work forms the first consolidated botanical account on pteridophytes of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Pteridophytes have remained more or less neglected group of vascular plants. Only a fragmentary list has earlier been published; therefore, the present work has been undertaken in detail for the first time. The present treatment is based on collections made from islands since the inception of Botanical Survey of India, Andaman and Nicobar Circle in the ...
The Book covers 203 plants use by the tribal and rural folk in India for curing diseases. The authors have dealt only with such plants as are not well known and need to be subjected to phytochemical, pharmacological, toxicity and clinical tests, etc. for ascertaining their medicinal potential. Literature on the chemistry and pharmacology of several species has also been reviewed. The data given on each species includes botanical name, family, brief description, ...
Ever since India attained independence in 1947, land reforms have been advocated and implemented as a major instrument of state-mediated and progressive socio-economic change. There has, however, been no unanimity on either the form or the contents of these reforms. The debate on the issue has become more diverse and complex in recent years as a result of the twin processes of 'liberalization' and 'globalization'. Whereas the focus earlier was on finding the best ...
The present book is an outcome of a two days national conference on Population, Pollution and Biodiversity Loss: A Bio-social Approach. The book contains research articles on biodiversity, essays on population growth pollution and its implications on the natural resources and ultimately on the mankind. This book has an bio-social approach to handle the delicate issues of environment and biodiversity. With an inter-disciplinary approach the book will ...
The present book is an outcome of a two days national conference on population, pollution and biodiversity loss: a bio-social approach. The book contains research articles on biodiversity, essays on population growth pollution and its implications on the natural resources and ultimately on the mankind. This book has an bio-social approach to handle the delicate issues of environment and biodiversity. With an inter-disciplinary approach the book will be useful for ...