B.K. Tyagi

Showing all 10 books
Entomology in the Doon Valley (Garhwal Region) is a unique journey into annals of the country’s most fascinating and highly entomofauna rich habitat – the Dehra Dun or the Doon Valley, tucked in the cosy climate of the foothills of the lower Himalayan region. Notwithstanding an unprecedented quantum of fragmented information available on the insects of the Doon Valley, courtesy various different long term research programmes carried out at the three ...
The dominance of insects amongst all living organisms on earth, coupled with infinite wealth of knowledge so important for our own existence, is a fundamental scientific fact, which is yet to be widely acknowledged. This dominance means that in numbers of species beyond our comprehension these animals permeate diverse and essential natural process in earth’s terrestrial, aerial and freshwater ecosystems, contributing to the function of the natural world as ...
Biodiversity and Conservation of Medicinal Plants is a unique attempt to bring out some stark realities of negative impacts of mdernisation and how it affects nature. Medicinal plants are important Natural resources. They have been traded and used since ancient times. And millions of people in developing countries use herbal medicines. But the cultivation of medicinal plants and the increasingly important issue of their conservation are neglected by both Western ...
Medical entomology has in course of time undergone a transformation from a mere traditional knowledge of the discipline to the one that stresses emphatically on harvesting a plethora of insects’ infinite ‘biomedical’ properties. Our familiarity with the medically important insects and other arthropods has, therefore, been expanded in this book to explore unlimited biomedical significance of these tiny yet most successful creatures on earth with about four ...
The Invincible Deadly Mosquitoes is a book with a difference, written in clear, simple and lucid language, and directed both at professional as well as amateur readership. The book is in fact a tribute to all those great entomologists and doctors, exemplified by a few chosen biographical sketches, who relentlessly worked arduously through all thick and thin to stem out the menace called mosquito. The dangers levied on humans by this tiny creature are too many, ...
Changing Faunal Ecology in the Thar Desert – dedicated to the found memory of Professor Dr. Ishwar Prakash, the legendary rodentologist – is a unique m?lange of scientific investigations on diversified ecological subjects pertaining to different organism groups, from as tiny as protozoa to as giant as mammals. Altogether sixteen contributions, including an original, up-to-date and authentic bio-bibliography of Dr. I. Prakash, make this volume an exceptional ...
Dragonflies (Odonata), represented by over 6000 known species, are unique insects. In more than one feature they differ, at the very first glance, from all other insect super orders including their nearest allies, the mayflies (Ephemeropteroidea). They probably evolved as early as in the Lower Devonian. Odonata are characterized by a numbaer of extremely archaic features, have evolved but very little in the course of the past geological epochs, ...
Pests of Forest Importance and Their Management is a unique book comprising all the major components of a sylvatic ecosystem from the standpoint of pests of economic importance and their control using both conventional and modern applications. The book is a compilation of 15 specialist articles woven around the central theme of the objective envisaging a variety of forest arthropod pests including both insects and arachnids as well as vertebrates. In addition, ...
Vector-borne diseases (e.g., malaria, filariasis, dengue, chikungunya, Japanese encephalitis, yellow fever, leishmaniasis etc.) are today one of the major causes of human suffering, both in terms of increasing morbidity/mortality and stunting intellectual/economic growth. No country, whether in tropics or temperate and developed or underdeveloped, is spared from their devastating impacts. The global disease burden is nearly unfathomable and there is a necessity ...