Showing all 2 books
One hundred and seventy frontline demonstrations were approved and sanctioned by the Director, Directorate of Maize Research (ICAR), New Delhi for kharif season, 2004 and he approved and sanctioned to hold a meeting/ training for Subject Matter Specialists working in promotion and development of maize in Andhra Pradesh. Accordingly it was conduced during August 26-27, 2004. Fourteen experts were invited to present papers on different aspects of maize for ...
Government of India launched a watershed development programme during the year 1983-84 with an objective to develop natural resources, viz., land, water, vegetation and productivity of crops in addition to improvement of standard of living of the people. Based on the experience gained during 1983-90, the Watershed Development Programme has been expanded further to cover larger areas. Government of India through its Ministries of Agriculture, Rural Development, ...