B.M. Sharma

34 books
The fundamental aim of this book is to emphasize diversified topics of the current study for the postgraduate and research students pursuing in different areas of Environmental Biological and Agricultural Sciences. This book will certainly help those readers who have interest in the field of environmental science. The book contains some thoughtful discussions on the potential benefits and the risks involved in environmental management.This book also describes the ...
In the years that have gone by since the publication of author’s Flora of Jammu and Plants of neighbourhood in 1981 and illustrations to the Flora of Jammu in 1983, quite a few developments have been pressingly calling for updating these volumes in the wake of fresh information which presently is being sought to be transmitted through this supplement. As does its little suggest, illustrations comprise the mainstay of the publication, with as many as 381 pen ...
Indian Administration: Retrospect and Prospect is a textbook with a difference. Prepared mainly for the benefit of students of Public Administration, it includes a wide range of materials, scattered in learned journals, reports of government commissions and committees and experiences of the Indian civil servants in the field. It is a comprehensive compendium that not only sums up the events of the past, but also suggests workable guidelines for the future ...
From the point of view of sustainability, the farmers of the arid areas had been practicing agroforestry since ancient times. In recent years this attained more importance particularly from the point of view of efficient utilization of land and water resources, meeting grain, fuel wood and fodder needs of increasing human and livestock population and protecting the environment from deterioration. The present volume is comprised of 23 chapters containing ...
Environmental education is an essential tool for achieving effective resource management and sustainable development. It encompasses awareness raising, acquiring new perspective, values, knowledge and skills, and both the formal and informal processes that lead to a changed behaviour in support of a sustainable environment. Environmental education brings the real world into the classroom, empowering learners to make positive changes in their local communities and ...
Good Governance, Globalization and Civil Society tries to analyze the three conceptualizations in the backdrop of Indian political scenario vis-a-vis emerging global order. Of course, the conceptualizations may have been theorized in the western context, yet they have essence and far-reaching consequences beyond the borders of the continents and as such a stupendous task has been undertaken in this volume to define, examine and refine the conceptualizations, its ...
The current widespread concern for educational quality and relevance has complex origins and many nuances depending on the particular experiences of individual countries over the past quarter of a century. It has taken the form of a growing interest among national policy makers in the monitoring, measurement and evaluation of educational processes and outcomes. Teachers have a pivotal role in making education effective. Effective teachers lead communities and ...
One of the many achievements of ancient India was the high social status enjoyed by women and the educational opportunity which was then accorded to them. They studied the sacred texts, had full access to all the different branches of knowledge then known and took part in religious and philosophical discussions. Several of them were highly honoured for their intellectual deeds. But in the later period, the position of women experienced a lowering of its standards ...