Showing all 2 books
Nandigram, a riverine village in southern West Bengal, is well known all over the globe after the tragedy in 2007 on the conflicting issue of proposed land acquisition for petro-chemical hub. The movement itself is an account of the peoples' reaction to such acquisition drive irrespective of location and community involved. This book is an illustrative document on the state of post-violence Nandigram with a logical interpretation of an empirical research. It ...
The Jarawas, a Negrito group of people of the Andaman Islands, are perhaps one of the last surviving classical example of hunter gatherers of the world, the other being the Sentinelese of North Sentinel Island of the Andamans. The Jarawas has recently come in direct contract with the non-Jarawa population of diverse culture and are in constant threat of losing their age old hunting and gathering activities along with their culture. The present book contains ...