B Narayan

Showing all 15 books
"Disasters are an unpleasant subject for any organisation. We can minimise losses both human and property, but we cannot prevent them. Disaster is all around us and possibly within us, as even our own cells can ricochet out of bounds.
Disaster management is rather a new branch of study which has drawn attention of geologists, environmentalists forestry and biological scientist in recent years--when due to sharp deterioration in environmental conditions ...
In this present age, when every one is aware of the importance of sustainable environment, training the mass in environment management is the need of hours. There is a growing awareness that environmental problems are as much a question of life-styles as of agricultural or industrial activity. Therefore, it is necessary to change people's attitudes with regard to the environment. A new environmental behaviour is necessary, in which quantitative demands and ...
Management is the art and science of organising and directing human efforts applied to control the forces and utilise the materials of nature for the benefit of man. Ecosystem management is concerned with the effect of both natural and human induced change or disturbance on the structure and function of ecosystems. Ecosystem management seeks to maintain the natural diversity and processes intrinsic to ecosystems. There is a growing appreciation that much of this ...