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It is a well established fact that Vedas are the oldest form of written books in our literature. Vedas contain the priceless teachings to human life forever. These preachings make us understand to discriminate between the permanent and the transient, the good and the evil. Vedas have been the gems of wisdom to mankind-the eternal values of life: how to be a perfect human being, to see self in all creations, and to treat all objects equal. Vedas convey the ...
This Beginners Guide will be immensely useful to all non-English speaking and Tamil-knowing readers who aspire to learn and speak English. It will help them to carry out daily chores in Engish. Equally useful for English-knowingreaders to acquire working knowledge of Tamil.
This Beginners Guide will be immensely useful to all non-English speaking and Telugu-knowing readers who aspire to learn and speak English. It will help them to carry out daily chores in Engish. Equally useful for English-knowing readers to acquire working knowledge of Telugu.
This Beginners Guide will be immensely useful to all non-English speaking and Kannada-knowing readers who aspire to learn and speak English. It will help them to carry out daily chores in Engish. Equally useful for English-knowing readers to acquire working knowledge of Kannada.
This Beginners Guide will be immensely useful to all non-English speaking and Malayalam-knowing readers who aspire to learn and speak English. It will help them to carry out daily chores in Engish. Equally useful for English-knowingreaders to acquire working knowledge of Malayalam.
Our first national epic, the Ramayana, has an all-time universal appeal and relevance. In its intrinsic value it transcends all the boundaries-subtle and physical. It has percolated our national life at various levels, in one form or the other. The reading of the book provides a great religious, literary and philosophical experience through which one would like to pass again and again. Our ancient-most cultural spirit, national genius and ambitions are embodied ...
The Mahabharata, in combination with its sister epic the Ramayana, emobodies the quintessence of our national consciousness, unity and great cultural heritage. These two great works together constitute the biggest single source of Indian poetry, philosophy, drama, fiction, music, sculpture, painting, folklore and other forms of creative expression. Since ancient and hoary past these epics have been read, recited, enacted and told in story forms throughout the ...