Showing all 3 books
Ayurveda is now universal and has spread to every corner of the world necessitating the publication of important Ayurveda texts with English translation. The big trio and the small triobrhatrayi and laughtrayi are important and popular workds of Ayurveda. Caraka Samhita, susruta Samhita and Astanga Hrdaya are called brhatrayi. These classic works deal in detail with the fundamental principles, philosophical background and theoretical aspects of ayurveda and among ...
The Camatkaranighantu belongs to the former group. Camatkara (miracle) in the title of the work signifies two things-one that which describes substances having miraculous properties and the other, that which has verbal jugglery making it different from other Nighantus. As the editor informs, the work has been published from Koppa some years back. It contains thirteen verses. The present wok is based on a manuscript found with a physician of Loka family during ...