B.Ravi Kumar Jain

32 books
Information Technology (IT) has transformed the way the banks do business. Banks are leveraging on technology not only to cut cost but also to reduce the transaction time and improve overall efficiency. No bank, – no matter, the location or scale – can ignore technology. It has become inevitable for survival of any bank. Apparently, the application of IT in banks has transformed the traditional banking industry, from being a highly protected governmental ...
Over the last few decades, Credit scoring has emerged as an effective tool, which facilitates lenders in assessing the creditworthiness of customers and determining the future risk of sanctioning credit based on their past record. Banks and financial institutions have been using credit scores in their credit-deciding process. Of late, the scope of credit scoring has expanded widely and is now increasingly used by telecom companies, utility service providers, ...
A search engine or search service is a program designed to extract/find web pages or information stored on the WWW. Search engines facilitate easy access to the desired information on the Internet or a corporate database or a personal computer. The strength and usefulness of a search engine depends on the relevance of the result it produces for a given query and the way such results are presented. There are several search engines available on the Internet, but ...
Economics has evolved over a long period of time. It has seen the emergence of various schools of thought enriched with the ideas of great philosophers. In recent times, a new branch of economic theory called Evolutionary Economics has emerged drawing new dimensions into the explanation of economic phenomena. It is based on the principles of evolution and biology. What makes Evolutionary Economics distinct from the mainstream economics is its opposition to the ...
Information Technology (IT) has a profound impact on several aspects of our day-to-day life. Over the past decade, the rapid advancements in computing technologies have increased the potential for developing a viable IT system that manages the complex spatial data. The software technology in this context is Geographic Information System (GIS). GIS uses geographically referenced data as well as non-spatial data and includes operations, which support spatial ...
1. Central Banking Governance - Insights, 2. Central Bank Independence and Governance: Definitions and Modelling, 3. Central Bank Independence and Policy Results: Theory and Evidence, 4. Communicating a Policy Path: The Next Frontier in Central Bank Transparency? 5. Governance Structures and Decision-Making Roles in Inflation Targeting Central Banks, 6. Central Bank Governance: Maintaining Arms ...
The Internet or the www houses millions of web sites, billions of web pages and tons of data and is growing exponentially. Apparently, it is almost impossible to lay one s hands on the right information one is looking for in this ocean of information, unless one knows the exact URL. This condition renders the power of the Internet limited only to the individual s memory. This is where the role of a search engine becomes meaningful. A search engine or search ...
In the complex world of international trade, to sustain the competition from developed countries and to achieve competitive and strategic benefits, developing countries are resorting to trade alliances among themselves, which make them combat the hegemonic powers with a collective strength. During the dawn of the twentieth century and after the world wars, many regional economic blocs have been formed to promote trade among nations. Trade blocs come in different ...
From the early days of cracking passwords and stealing information from personal computers to deadly Internet based attacks that can shake the security of an entire nation, cyber crimes have evolved from the endeavors of entertainment by cyber kiddies to the acts of organized crimes and terrorist activities of cyber mafia. Virus attacks, hacking, browser hijacks, spam, DoS attacks, Phishing, Pharming, traffic analysis and so on, are various manifestations of ...
Of late, Behavioral Economics has evolved as a sub discipline of economics, which questioned the fundamental assumptions of traditional economic theory regarding human rationality and economic behavior. Behavioral Economics is based on the psychological underpinnings explaining human economic behavior and decision-making. It attempts to bridge the gaps in neoclassical economic theory by blending psychological, biological and ecological aspects into fundamental ...
A Decision Support System (DSS) can be defined as the combination of data, information and computer and non-computer-based tools and services working within a structured framework to improve the process and the outcome of decision-making. DSS offers flexibility, adaptability and a quick response to its users. The world is full of uncertainties in which business decisions are being taken every day, every hour and every minute. Decision-makers need access to lots ...
Companies that implement effective technology solutions can gain a competitive advantage in today's environment. The proper use of technology can enhance a company's competitive position. Services industry is one of the key sectors where IT can be exploited to its maximum potential. Substantial portion of delivering services involves a lot of information sharing and customer interaction. Thus, the role of IT becomes paramount in facilitating a smooth flow of ...
Emerging technology can be defined as a “science-based innovation with the potential to create a new industry or transform an existing industryâ€. The convergence of the Internet, telecom, cable, satellite, computer, entertainment and information industry has created a digital revolution. This digital revolution has driven convergence within the IT and telecom industries and has radically redefined the landscape of these industries ...
As the Internet has increasingly penetrated into all walks of human life, the use of web-related services has also increased by leaps and bounds. After the web, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) is the next big thing that has happened on the Internet, almost redefining the way computers are networked the way services are delivered, and the way users are connecting/communicating/collaborating with other users on the net. The initial super success of P2P-based file-sharing ...
In this digital era, Information Technology (IT) has become a core element for businesses to make their operations more efficient, improve product quality, comply with statutory requirements, manage risk and security- in short, generate overall business value. As the dependence of organizations on IT had grown, the IT budgets have increased significantly. Thus, the management were required to optimize IT investment and extract maximum value out of every dollar ...
To date, "Web Security" has been associated with debates over cryptographic technology, protocols and public policy, obscuring the wider challenges of building trusted Web applications. Since the Web aims at being an information space that reflects not just human knowledge but also human relationships, it will soon realize the full complexity of trust relationships among people, computers and organizations. This has led to a new breed of systems – ...
A new field, cyber forensics, is in the process of extracting information and data from computer storage media accurately and reliably. However, this is not enough, because here the challenge lies in not just finding and collecting data, but preserving and presenting it in a manner that a judicial prospect will accept it. These are ways of combating cyber crime, which make it important for advances in the law enforcement, legal and forensic computing technical ...
Regardless of industry, size and location, today’s agile and highly productive organizations require something, which is fundamentally different and that makes their operations streamlined, eliminates wastes and enables them to exceed their targets. Presently, business houses look at Knowledge Integration as the solution. Knowledge Integration is essentially a process of exchange, creation and morally appropriate application of knowledge within a complex system ...
After blogs and RSS feeds, Wikis have opened new avenues of collaborative working both in the knowledge industry and in individual intellectual pursuits. A Wiki is a way of creating interlinked web or HTML pages by using simple mark-up language with a web browser. After the success of 'Wikipedia', an online public encyclopedia, Wikis have become very popular and are used in commercial organizations, research agencies and universities. This book brings to light ...
IT is indispensable in smooth functioning of any organization today, irrespective of the industry it functions in. The quantum and quality of IT investment differ as to how the systems are used, the degree to which they align with the strategic goals of the organization and ultimately how much business value they deliver vis-Ã -vis the resources invested. Further, all IT systems employed are not of equal strategic importance. IT systems are categorized into ...
Electronic negotiation is an interdisciplinary research area that combines the best of economics, information systems, computer science, communication theory, sociology and psychology. Today, negotiations are conducted via electronic media powered by sophisticated software applications. These support systems can support collaboration between decision-makers who are separated geographically and is an important part of an e-business today.
In the ever evolving field of information technology, every element of the software’s operational environment is in a state of constant flux: frequent changes in the hardware, operating system, cooperating software and client’s expectations are motivated by performance improvements, bug-fixes, security breaches and attempts to assemble synergistically ever more sophisticated software systems. With increasing applications of software, the complexity of the ...
A new field, cyber forensics, is in the process of extracting information and data from computer storage media accurately and reliably. However, this is not enough, because here the challenge lies in not just finding and collecting data, but preserving and presenting it in a manner that a judicial prospect will accept it. These are ways of combating cyber crime, which make it important for advances in the law enforcement, legal and forensic computing technical ...
Today, the Internet has evolved into a dynamic information warehouse, housing variety of data in diverse data formats. Each data element on the web has a meaning and context attached to it that defines its semantics. The users on Internet need the searched data to be compiled at a faster pace also taking into consideration the relevance of the data. Today, the most advanced search engines facilitate retrieving data from the web on the basis of matching and ...