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India is a largest consumer of the spices and also predominant country in spice production in the world. Lack of high yielding varieties, improper nutrient management and incidence of many diseases at various stages of crop growth, are the principle constraints to achieve high productivity of these crops. Yet crop losses due to diseases incited by fungi, bacteria, viruses and phytoplasmas, plays a major role in the productivity of spice crops.Integrated disease ...
Today, countries all over the world are emerging into knowledge economies. The click and portal have been transforming traditional brick and mortar economies of various nations into knowledge economies. The world has come to a transitional phase and is being metamorphosed into a global village. Information technology, multimedia and telecommunication advancements have brought about the revolutionary change. Internet has created a very appropriate and effective ...
Like other agro climatic zones of India, crops in arid region also suffer enormously due to vagaries of plant diseases. Certain agro-climatic conditions favor occurrence and development of these diseases, which often takes a serous form resulting in heavy crop losses. Instances are there when growers have abandoned cultivation of cumin, a cash crop, which suffered heavily due to wilt and shifted to less remunerative or more irrigation requiring ...