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One of the main aims of insurance regulators is to ensure that companies always have a margin of assets over estimated liabilities that is appropriate to the business that they conduct. The majority of insurers, however, will be unwilling or unable to go back to their policyholders for additional payment of losses turn out to be greater than expected. The law on insurance warranties in general is clearly set out in the Marine Insurance Act 1906.
The Act states ...
Human resources is an increasingly prominent field that is taking shape thought industries and work-places world. Wide. Recognizing the fact that people are a company’s greatest asset, business leaders across the globe are coming to rely more and more upon an effective management policy that applies specifically to the area of human specifically to the area of human resources. With a rapid increase of professionals, generalists and specialists in the area of ...
Advertising is a management Function. While advertising is the event, advertising management is the whole process –a function of marketing starting from market research continuing through advertising management does not stop here. It goes further in regard to evaluation of the whole cost-benefits that were involved in the whole exercise. The present volume is written with the objective of giving students and practitioners the framework and knowledge with which ...
Corporate management is about promoting corporate fairness, transparency and accountability. It is an organizational effort to being in effective and practical improvements in the management process of the corporation. This is done to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in strategy execution. Having your corporate performance managed can drastically improve all areas of your corporation. Effective corporate management can create a positive, professional and ...
Personnel management is concerned with the effective use of the skills of people. They may be salespeople in a store, clerks in an office, operations in a factory, or technicians in a research laboratory. In a business, personnel management starts with the recruiting and hiring of qualified people and continues with directing and encouraging their growth as they encounter problems and tensions that arise in working toward established goals. An efficient personnel ...
This book in the series on corporate management deals with the highly relevant issue of labour management. The book is a conscientious efforts to familiarise the readers with all that entails smooth management over labour unions, including technical and financial management, recruitment and training, negotiations, pay, working conditions, etc. The emphasis is on presenting a through and comprehensive book into what it means to be a labour manager within a context ...