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Female horoscopy (Strijataka) has been dealt with somewhat meagerly in ancient classical works. Today, in the light of increasing interest evinced by women in educational, cultural and scientific pursuits, this book, which chiefly confines itself to the sketch of female horoscopes and deals exclusively with combinations bearing on the fair sex, will be of special interest to general readers, astrological students and savants.
Sarwarthachintamani is a splendid work on horoscopy or predictive astrology written by Sri Venkatesha Daivanga. This translation extends over almost 2000 stanzas of the original work with copious notes and brings to the reader for the first time an authentic and true rendering of the text. The elaborate commentary, the simple but clear explanations and the numerous illustrations proceeding from Prof. Rao’s rich experience of over sixty years in predictive ...
Jaimini is held in very great esteem throughout India not only for his philosophical aphorisms but for his astrological writings also. Jaiminisutras as presented in these pages deals with a system of astrology that has no parallel in the existing methods. The Sutras are hard nuts to crack and Professor Rao has tried his utmost to explain the aphorisms as clearly and convincingly as possible.
In his introduction, Rao describes this as a very liberal translation, adhering more to the spirit of Varaha Mihira, rather than the exact letter. This translation includes the famous commentary by Bhattotpala. Includes original Sanskrit slokas.
Astrology is a science, which helps us to know the principal events of our lives This book shows how in just 15, days one can understand the different aspects of Astrology.