B.V. Raman

25 books
How to Judge a Horoscope is a departure from the conventional method of treatment of astrology. It is a study in the use of Horoscope in every man`s daily life. The work in two volumes is divided in twelve houses, containing six each in consecutive order. The twelve houses have reference to the material relation of soul (jeeva) in its journey from the cradle to the grave. The study of illustrations (charts) makes every point even the omitted rudimentary ...
A most reliable guide to practical astrology, Notable Horoscopes does not contain starting predictions and amazing forecasts. But it is the product of investigations and studies by the author presented here in an orderly and scientific form and in simple language easily understandable by the average reader. The book analyses the varioius combinations which have produced personages like Lord Krishna, the Buddha, Adi Sankara, Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammad, ...
The only claim of this book is to present an ensemble of ancient astrological data concerning the methods of forecasting certain natural disasters and the need on the part of the seismologists and meteorologists to shed their prejudices and embark on an investigation of the indigenous methods being used for thousands of years with much success.We are beginning to realize the futility of giving undue importance to so called methods of science. Many dogmas imposed ...
I have been the first in India to present the Tajaka system of astrology in English for the acceptance of the educated public in an easy and simple style. This book is not a verbatim translation of any of the existing versions of the Tajaka system. But it is essentially a product of my researches in the field of Tajaka, though mainly based on Neelakanta and to a lesser extent on Kesava. The Tajaka system has a certain uniqueness as it enables ...
This compilation of articles by eminent astrologers seeks to answer the crucial questions: Will there be a next World War and, if so, when? The astrological influence of planets and other celestial bodies on the course of events from the underpinning for the predictions made by the different astrologers. The point that they emphasize repeatedly is that the movements of the celestial bodies are intimately related to historical events. Beginning with an ...
This book was developed from numerous articles Raman wrote for The Astrological Magazine, at the urging of his daughter, Gayatri Devi Vasudev. In his weather/earthquake predictions, Raman made effective use of Brihat Samhita. While weather predicting has long been a staple of western astrology, Raman's work in successfully predicting earthquakes is unique as far as I know.
From 1935, this was not B.V. Raman's first book. (In his Preface to the first edition, he mentions previously writing Hindu Predictive Astrology, though the earliest date in that book is 1938.) B. Suryanarain Rao was Raman's grandfather, one of the most esteemed Vedic astrologers of his day. In the preface to the 16th (last) edition, Raman states that A Manual of Hindu Astrology, Nirayana Tables of Houses, and his 110 Year Ephemeris are the essential ...
How to Judge a Horoscope is a departure from the conventional method of treatment of astrology. It is a study in the use of Horoscope in every man's daily life. The work in two volumes is divided in twelve houses, containing six each in consecutive order. The twelve houses have reference to the material relation of the soul (jeeva) in its journey from the cradle to the grave. The study of illustrations (charts) makes every point even the omitted rudimentary ...
Prasna Marga, Part I, is an exhaustive treatise on the various aspects of predictive astrology of immense practical utility. The work can be considered as of exceptional interest and value. The ancient classic deals not only with the various aspects of Prasna or Horary Astrology, but also with almost the entire range of the forecasting art – Jataka or predictive astrology, Muhurta or electional astrology, Parihara or remedial astrology and Nimittas or the ...
Prasna Marga, Part II, is an encyclopaedic work on matters that affect all areas of human life. It carries the original slokas with English translation and copious notes deal exhaustively with Marriage; Children; Causes of diseases as given in Karma Vipaka and the remedies; Matters relating to deities, rulers, war, natural calamities, when to travel and when not; Rainfall, cyclones and storms and their forecasting; Digging wells, details for finding underground ...
How to Judge a Horoscope is a departure from the conventional method of treatment of astrology. It is a study in the use of Horoscope in every man's daily life. The work in two volumes is divided in twelve houses, containing six each in consecutive order. The twelve houses have reference to the material relation of the soul (Jeeva) in its journey from the cradle to the grave. The study of illustrations (charts) makes every point-even the omitted makes every ...
This book inspired by Raman's grandfather, B.S. Rao, back in 1931. It was published in 1938. This is the Tajaka system, based on Neelakanta & Kesava. The 13th edition of 1992 contained these changes: A new chapter on Muntha, all 35 Sahams, a new chapter on Yogas, a chapter entitled, Hints for Judgment, giving Raman's 50 years of experience, and, summary & example horoscopes. Raman believes this system originated in India & was copied by the Greeks ...
Subtitled, Being the first real effort to teach Astrology - a simple manner free from technicalities. And it is a simple, practical overview of Hindu astrology without a lot of fussy details, except for the mandatory section on chart construction. Sometimes a book like this helps to cut through all the gibberish in the fancier books.
Astrology holds a prominent place in the life of every Indian. No important work is done or actively undertaken without first consulting the horoscope. When such is the case it behoves on every thinking individual to maintain the dignity and purity of the science by insisting on the systematic study of the subject on rational and approved lines. Such a study is possible only when standard books are published. In the present day, the ...