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Land is the most important resource, upon which all human activity is based since time immemorial, is land. It is a primary resource and its utilization has always been the focal theme in understanding the historical development of various civilizations in the world. Increasing the load of the billions of population, the importance of studies and research on land utilization have become an urgent need to reduce the regional imbalances n development and to attain ...
Hazards are phenomena that post threat to people structures of economic assets and which may cause a disaster. The phenomenon of hazards are caused by biological, geological seismic, hydrological or meteorological conditions or processes in the natural environment. Environmental hazard identifications searches the patterns in the interface between the natural environment and human society, involving threatening vents and consequences. Today, society relies on ...
Natural resource management presents outstanding, current coverage of major issues and problems in resource conservation and management. Effective conservation depends primarily on a basic human respect for natural resources. The real substance of conservation lies not in the physical projects of government, but in the mental processes of citizens. Natural resources are the basis of all economic and social activities. The euphoria for rapid economic development ...