It is a collection of important writings of Bhagat Singh--64 in all. Most of these writings are appearing in English for the first time. An indispensable thing for understanding the great revolutionary, his ideas and the revolutionary party he was associated with.
Not Much is found in print on Bhagat Singh and his multifaceted personality. In such a situation, the present work comprising 20 essays done by the great revolutionary's close associates will, it is hoped, serve a useful purpose in understanding Bhagat Singh, his persona, his work, as also the revolutionary party that he was a part of. Being close associates, the authors had an advantage of looking at things from the insiders' viewpoint. They were objective ...
Coming at it does from Bhagat Singh himself, this essay will, it is hoped, help us understand India’s greatest revolutionary, his life, his thought, his world view and so forth. The essay was written a few days before the great revolutionary was hanged and was published under the title ‘Why I am an Atheist’ in 1931 in The People, an English weekly started by L.Lajpat Rai from Lahore. It is a document of great historical importance and substance.
It is a collection of ideas on freedom, liberty and revolution from over 110 sources made by Bhagat Singh (1907-1931), one of the greatest Indian revolutionaries, during his last imprisonment (1929-1931) in the Central Jail, Lahore (Punjab). The ideas are really great. Powerful. They inspired the great revolutionary. And he jotted them down with the hope that his countrymen in particular, and the so-called 'wretched of the earth' in general, would be inspired by ...