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The present revised and second edition of the book has been carefully organised and clearly written to help advance students and other engaged in teaching. The subject matter has been presented in a step by step systematic manner with clear understandable illustrations. It deals with the morphology, anatomy, physiology and embryology of Balanoglossus, Herdmania and Amphioxus. Special emphasized chapters are Hemichordata: characters& classification; Subphylum ...
The book presents a comprehensive synthesis of mammalian morphology, anatomy, physiology, embryology and origin and evolution. This book provides nucleus around which the teachers can plan a successful course without too much learning on complementary and supplementary readings. Efforts have been made to avoid overburdening the students with information. Many of the omissions are intentional to make the text selective.The second revised edition of the book ...
Member of phylum Echinoderm are exclusively marine and are largely bottom dwellers. All are relatively large sized animals, most being at least several centimeters in diameter. The most striking characteristic of this phylum is their pentamerous radial symmetry i.e., the body can usually be divided into five parts arranged around a central axis. The phylum contains about 6000 known species and constitutes the only major group of deuterostome invertebrates.An ...
Annelida consists of two words one is Latin annulus meaning a ring and a Greek eidos meaning form. Annelids are typical animals that burrow or crowl upon the bottom in the ocean or in fresh water.And Introduction to Annelida is the second revised and enlarged edition of the book. It has been designed to approach the morphology, anatomy, physiology and development of selected type in a simple and lucid style. The approach to the discussion of all the types is very ...