Showing all 2 books
The present volume contains a selected bunch of the papers presented in the National Seminar on 'English Studies in India Today: Problems and Prospects' organized by Government Postgraduate College, Jind (Haryana) in collaboration with Indian Association for English Studies, University, Grants Commission and Department of Higher Education, Haryana on 27-29 September, 2002. While the main purpose of the book is to take stock of the prevailing scenario of English ...
The present study attempts to gauge the extent of lexical-copying from English into Punjabi, and the degree of phonetic and phonological assimilation of the copied items. It clarifies a number of terminology issues, including highlighting the fact that the traditional terms like loan-word, loan-translation, loan-blend and lexical-borrowing are out-and-outmisonmers, and )as the metaphor of copying is more appropriate than that of borrowing for representing these ...